Monday, January 23, 2012

Getting There

Santa Barbara bound

This post is a quick summary of our eight day trip to Santa Barbara. Picture taking while on the road was very limited for reasons that I won't go into here.

Day 1: Westfield, MA to Erie, PA. A beautiful day for driving.

Day 2: Erie, PA to Louisville, KY. Not such a great day for driving, heavy overcast, some rain and, a snow squall in Cincinnati. Pizza at Impellizzeri's. Why is Louisville spelled this way when they pronounce it as Louieville?

Day 3: Louisville, KY to Springfield, MO. Springfield, MO was not very memorable except for a very nice breakfast at a place called Gailey's. Fortunately we were among the earliest customers because reviewers complain about service usually being slow. One reviewer comments:
Gailey's was around when Bonnie and Clyde burned through Springfield. I have to add Gailey's to my "5 Must List" when dining Springfield landmarks. The food is just so-so but who cares. Go to say you've eaten here and be proud of it.
Day 4: Springfield, MO to Amarillo, TX. A lot of flat open country that allows speed limit postings of 75mph. 

Day 5: Amarillo, TX to Albuquerque, NM. A lot of flat land for miles and miles, then we head up into the hills leading to Albuquerque. So beautiful though. Picture below taken in Albuquerque Old Downtown.

Day 6: Albuquerque, NM to Flagstaff, AZ. Light rain, light snow flurries, and heavy winds on high mountain passes. Still a wide open landscape though. Picture on the road.

Day 7: Flagstaff, AZ to Kingman, AZ with a side trip to the Grand Canyon. For more GC pictures visit my Flickr site @
Day 8: Kingman, AZ to Santa Barbara, CA. We made it!
Tomorrow our new home!

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